Grace Foundation exists to transform young people’s lives through holistic education. The heart of our Christian ethos is to support the emotional, relational and spiritual needs of students and their families through the work of our Ethos Team in Schools. Our Ethos Team is made of dedicated leaders, youth workers, specialists and family support workers who enable young people to develop character & values, build healthy relationships and understand Christian perspectives. Our teams work in synergy with our Partner and Project schools to make a positive contribution to whole school outcomes.
We make an impact by:
- Enhancing Ofsted priorities
- Improving student outcomes
- Raising self-esteem, aspiration & potential
- Positively developing character & values
- Reducing the risk of unhealthy relationships & teenage pregnancy
- Transforming understanding of Christian perspectives
- Impacting Parents, families & communities
- Engaging volunteers safely
What we offer:
We work with Partner Schools to embed an Ethos HUB comprising of an Ethos Hub Leader, Youth Worker and Family Support Worker who create an Ethos Programme consisting of:
E Events, Education & Experiences
We deliver holistic lessons, workshops, special events and social action projects as well as facilitating the inclusive exploration of Christian festivals.
T Training & Resources
We provide training for staff and resources for students that enhance personal development and improve wellbeing.
H Holistic Enrichment
We develop positive enrichment opportunities that will help safely engage volunteers into a school community.
O Outcomes Based Intervention
We deliver small group intervention, short term mentoring, and targeted family support to help address complex needs and remove barriers to learning.
S Synergy with School Priorities
We work with staff to develop a unique Ethos Programme that has a whole school impact on the culture and curriculum.
We also work with Project Schools to deliver targeted programmes via our Central Team to enhance student outcomes.
An illustration of the work of Grace Foundation
Students release Charity Single to support NHS
Students from six secondary schools in the Midlands and Buckinghamshire have joined forces to release a new charity single cover of ‘Together’, to raise awareness of NHS Charities Together and to boost their mental health.
The students’ collective rendition of ‘Together’, originally performed by Christian pop duo For King & Country, with Tori Kelly and Kirk Franklin, pays tribute to all those who have suffered bereavement, loss, and rising levels of anxiety during lockdown.
The charity music video involved 30 students from Grace Academies in Coventry, Solihull and Darlaston, Lord Grey Academy, Rushden Academy, and Elizabeth Woodville North and South, who combined their musical talents to spread a message of hope to others.
Launched at a time when public singing is prohibited and students’ mental health and resilience have been put to the test, the Song Project was organised by Grace Foundation’s Ethos Teams, funded by IM Group, that work within each Tove Learning Trust (TLT) Academy.